We support enterprises in the international recruitment and immigration of your employees.
The availability of your workforce is a challenge?
To meet your needs, Racine Legal offers you the possibility of recruiting your employees internationally. To enhance the peace of mind and optimal performance of candidates, we offer 3 services:
Canadian and Quebec Immigration.
The integration of new employee and his family.
With the exponential shortage of employees in Canada and Quebec, the option of expanding your international recruiting zone is no longer an option.
It’s an obligation !
It is important to find the employees and professionals who will fit in with your business and who will work valiantly for your success!
From our bank of employees and professionals, we offer the following services:
Find the right candidates to meet your requirements.
Validation of the references of the candidates.
Validation of the candidate's knowledge.
Audit of the court file.
Obtaining the medical file certified by a doctor.
Interviews by Skype.
Possibility of appreciating the current work of the candidate, by a video of 4 minutes.
Possibility to schedule face-to-face meetings with the candidate in the candidate's country.
The hiring and immigration of a foreign worker is a long, complicated and arduous process.
Do you know that there are more than 87 complicated immigration programs in Canada?
It is therefore important to define the best Canadian and Quebec immigration strategy.
We offer you a complete service by:
Relevant Canadian and Quebec immigration strategies.
Full legal negotiations of all interviews, exchanges and discussions with the various levels of the Canadian and Quebec governments.
Take care of the immigration of the employee and his family in order to integrate it well.
The new life of your foreign employee is not limited to his work. It is therefore important to welcome him and his family to Quebec.
To ensure the success of your new employee and family, we provide the following tools:
Help with the physical and community installation of your new employee and his family.
Collaboration with local and provincial organizations to promote harmonious integration.
Follow up with your employee and family.
Legal support to obtain permanent residence.
Legal support to obtain Canadian citizenship.
In conclusion, you will benefit from an immigrant selection process and optimal hiring of your employees.
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